Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay In recent years, people have begun spending more and more time indoors and online. Maybe it’s the heat, maybe it’s fear, maybe it’s lack of adventure – whatever the reason, scientists are beginning to find evidence that getting out in nature can have a positive, lasting effect on our brains and behavior.
Quail on the Ranch
If you do a quick Google search, you will find a number of articles on the Bobwhite quail decline. These quail have been studied more heavily the last several decades, trying to pinpoint the reason for the decline. The most widely discussed and accepted theories include invasive fire ants, high predator drive from animals such … Read More
Birth of Baby Animals
Have you ever wondered why baby animals tend to be born in the Spring? What makes this season so different that we can easily spot baby ducks, chicks, calves and bunnies? There are a few contributing factors to this phenomenon. First, the more favorable weather conditions are one factor. Warmer temperatures and less chance of … Read More
Long Acres Ranch welcomes hundreds for FFA Career Development Event
By Scott Lightle In late February, some of the brightest high school minds and future natural resource professionals from all across Texas converged on Long Acres Ranch to compete in an invitational, Future Farmers of America, or FFA, Career Development Event. Opportunities for future leaders and professionals The National FFA Organization is an intracurricular student organization … Read More
Monarch Butterflies and OE
Image by 272447 from Pixabay One of the most recognized butterflies is the monarch. They are easily identifiable by their orange and black laced wings, bordered with tiny white dots. They are also well-known for their migratory habits from the United States and Canada south to Mexico for the winter.
Mini Mad Scientists
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon from Pexels Who has those kids at home who always want to take things apart OR put things together? Who is always finding “experiments” or “concoctions” under their kids beds or in closets? At the Ranch, we love to see kids exploring and learning so we are sharing a few of our favorite, quick … Read More
Scent Stations 101
If you live in a place that has wild animals, you may often wonder which animals live near you. Often, the animals around us are nocturnal so it is difficult to actually see any of them during the day, but you may find evidence of them and this keeps you curious. A scent station is … Read More
Hide and Seek
Image by Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto from Pixabay Camouflage is the use of any combinations of materials or coloration in order to be concealed from the naked eye. Humans use camouflage in order to “hide” when they are hunting and also to be concealed in military operations. Animals use camouflage in order to hide whether they are prey or … Read More
WHOOOO is important? Owls!
Image by Capri23auto from Pixabay Most people have seen at least one or two owls in their lifetime. They may be regarded as simple, beautiful creatures but they are actually a very important part of the ecosystem too. They play a large role in the balance of the food chain in many forests across the country. They help … Read More
This Doesn’t Stink – Animal Scat
Image by christels from Pixabay Scat is what scientists call animal droppings. All animals leave droppings because they must rid their body of waste. But what can we learn from scat? What are some different kinds we may find? Where do we look if we want to find scat? All this, and more, if you read on.