Ology Days
Welcome all inquisitive minds! We offer a different science class each month to our homeschool families. The classes are designed for students in 1st-8th grades, but even younger/older siblings will enjoy the activities. All classes will take place outside, unless we have to cancel do to severe/unpredictable weather. Families will stay together as a unit and rotate to [approximately 6-8] activity stations. Each station will contain detailed instructions and it will be up to the parent/guardian to explain and help their child(ren) with the activity at that station. All activities are hands-on and sometimes quite messy! Should you choose to do all of the activities, you can plan on spending about 2.5 hours at the ranch. Details about each class will be sent out the week before, along with any background knowledge you might need to help facilitate the learning. We encourage you bring a science notebook for recording observations, a writing utensil, water to drink and wear closed-toe shoes at all times.
Cost- $5 materials fee per class, per family unit
Time- 9am-11am (you must be off of the property by 1pm so we can attend to our afternoon activities)
Registration- Registration opens the 15th of each month before the class; If you cannot attend, you can use the same link to unregister- just sign into your account.
A note about ages and learning experiences...children under the age of 6 should spend most of their time exploring the world around them. We have designed the lessons at LAR to be for readers/writers (6+ years old) that need a more defined lesson to springboard units that could be taught at home. If ALL of your children are under the age of 6 years old, we strongly encourage you to skip the lessons at Long Acres Ranch and go find parks and museums to explore and play! Let us know if you would like some guidance on any of this!
September 10th, 11th, or 12th - Entomology - The study of insects. Take a hike and learn all about the difference between insects and bugs, get creative with insect art, and even dissect a grasshopper.
October 8th, 9th, or 10th - Zoology - The study of animals. Join us at the lake as we learn all about different animals, including bats, and take some time at the lake to fish.
October 29th, 30th, or 31st - Mycology - The study of fungi. Go on a fungi hunt, view fungi through a microscope, and do an experiment with everyone’s favorite fungi.
December 17th, 18th, or 19th - Petrology & Pedology - The study of rocks and the conditions by which they form AND the study of soil formation. Take a trailer ride to the Brazos River to learn about erosion and deposition,
January 14th, 15th, or 16th- Meteorology - The study of weather. As more weather phenomena are occurring, take a look into how weather and climate impact organisms and the conditions that surround some of these weather events.
February 11th, 12, or 13th - Kinesiology - The study of movement in relation to human anatomy. Explore movement of the human body by enjoying several fun outdoor activities!
March 18th, 19th or 20th- Bioecology - The study of the relationships between living organisms and their environment.
April 15th, 16th, or 17th - Herbology -The study of plants for therapeutic uses. Take a walk and learn about the plants native to this area. Learn medicinal uses for the plants, plus try some homemade onion butter.
May 6th, 7th, or 8th - Lepidopterology - The study of butterflies and moths. Catch butterflies and then become a citizen scientist by adding the data to Sci Starter.
There will be a form to add ALL of your children. You are welcome to bring your littles, please include them on the form so we know who is on the ranch. Call or email if you have any questions. Thanks!